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Party Bus Terms & Conditions


Tentative bookings for your preferred areas will be held for 24 hours, the booking will be automatically cancelled unless arrangements have been made to confirm your booking. To secure your date and preferred time, a credit card pre-authorisation of $200 is required along with scanned copy of a valid photo ID. No charges are made to your card unless required under these terms & conditions of booking. 

No pre-authorisation = no booking. 



It is the organisers responsibility to ensure the bus is a current registered member of BusWA. In alliance with the Swan Valley Liquor accord, Chapel Farm Estate will only accept buses that are working with the Liquor Enforcement Unit, complying with the code of conduct ensuring a safer Swan Valley. Please ensure your booked company is a member to avoid disappointment and additional fees. Current members of BUSWA can be found here.

Chapel Farm Estate reserves the right to refuse entry to a booking that is travelling on a bus that fails to provide a valid registration sticker. The booking will be treated as a cancellation and charged accordingly.



Cancellation of a booking within 48 hours of the reservation will result in the organiser being charged a cancellation fee of $200. 



Please note your booking has been booked for a specific number of guests. Please ensure you confirm your final numbers via email 7 days prior to your reservation. Should the bus arrive with less than a 75% attendance rate based on the confirmed booking the organiser will be charged a fee of $10 per person less the confirmed booking.

Tell your mates this so they don't let you down.



Chapel Farm Estate reserves the right to refuse entry and/or service to an entire booking or an individual. Refusal will be applied to patrons inclusive but not limited to the following:

- Patrons displaying signs of anti-social behaviour
- Patrons displaying signs of intoxication
- Failure to comply to current government mandates
- Failure to provide a valid form of photo identification (drivers licence, proof of age card, or passport). No ID, no entry. 
- Minors not accompanied by a legal guardian
- Non BUSWA compliant transported bookings
- Patrons vomiting/urinating/defecating in public places/grounds
- Patrons who BYO/attempt to conceal alcoholic beverages. Note - this will not be returned to you upon your departure. 
- Patrons who are caught with illicit substances.

- Patrons that ignore reasonable instructions from our staff.


Any of the above behaviours will result in the venues you are visiting after us being notified of your conduct, in addition to your bus company.

In short - leave the "hero" of your group at home. If they get kicked out, you all get kicked out. Our venue has been created with a lot of heart for you to enjoy. Please respect it.

Guests must to consent to bag checks upon arrival. Furthermore failure to comply with a Chapel Farm Estate Employee will result in the venue notifying the Swan Valley Liquor enforcement Unit and/or contacting the authorities.


Pre-paid packages will not be refunded in the occurrence of any event outlined in clauses 5 and 6.



Should the bus arrive more than 15 minutes late to the reserved time and/or fails to arrive, the booking will be treated as a cancellation and charged accordingly.



Pre-paid packages will not be refunded in the occurrence of any event outlined in clauses 5 and 6.



The organiser is financially responsible for any damage to the property, facilities, equipment, fittings or surrounds of Chapel Farm Estate. Furthermore the organiser is required to cover the costs in relation to loss, theft or additional/abnormal cleaning caused by guests/patrons in relation to the booking at Chapel Farm Estate, or losses incurred in the event your group is asked to leave earlier due to behaviours referenced in clause 5.

Chapel Farm Estate reserves the right to charge your nominated credit card to recover the outstanding amount owed in relation to the organisers booking. Chapel Farm Estate is always extremely careful when looking after patrons belongings, however the Company accepts no responsibility for the damage or loss of merchandise on our premises prior to, during or after your booking.



Guests must not enter areas of the venue that are privately booked to other groups.

Please note we are a primarily outdoor venue and while we endeavour to accommodate all requests, we ask that you take our environment into consideration when booking. 

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